Sunday, March 1, 2009

I always wanted to try pointe...

So we decided to give the new pool at shot. Not so excited. We loved the other pool because it was 4 ft and we could easily bring Megan in and she could travel freely around with us. This one, well 5ft is the shallowest, so Teresa had to be on tippy toes, and I was on full pointe. When I stood flat footed, maybe the very top of my head was not submerged in water. It was a pretty pool, but aren't most Chinese people short? Why such a deep pool? We also were not sure if we would need our fabulous bathing caps that were required at the last hotel, so we brought them anyway. We decided that we did not want any crazy chinese person coming up to us and yelling about something we can't understand, so we donned them. The whirlpool was not hot at all and was only 2.8 feet, so Megan was in there. After a little while she finally warmed up to it, but she decided that the bathing cap was not necessary and pulled it off. She really is a special little one. She decided that she needs to check out our teeth and attempt to poke at our eyes. In the middle of eating her marconi, she tried to flip out of Teresa's grip, so then she had  both of us, guarding her every move. All this craziness, we are beginning to think we might be her slaves. my new nickname is her supplier.....cheerios of course. 

She was also a tad bit congested this morning, so she got to sleep in to make up her for her lost sleep. Other families said that running a steam shower helped there little ones, so after the pool we gave it a shot. Teresa was getting more tired and my nose was clearing up, but Megan was totally unaffected and probably thought we were nuts. The Westin hotel key cards are super sensitive and get deactivated all the time. We should probably start a count. 2 times already. 1 for each of our keys. Mine of course deactivated sometime between leaving the room and getting back from the pool, so I had to run down to the lobby, wet, in a towel and slippers, while they stood in towels in the hallway. 

We went to a church and got there just in time for communion of a Cantonese mass. The English one was of course at 3:30pm. It was a pretty church, but it was like chaos in a church. So strange. Plus, when we went for communion, he put ashes on our heads. We have no clue if it's in honor of Ash Wednesday, for Lent or just they way they do it. It was all just so strange.

I have uploaded the pictures from the last few days. there are two new albums, so enjoy them! There are probably lots of similar shots out of order. It's because they are coming from my camera and Teresa's camera. I have just enough time to upload and semi caption them, so I don't forget in the future. 

And Grace, you asked if she has any teeth. She has one bottom and her first top one has just fully cut the gum line so now you can see that one also. 


  1. thanks for up date--- so is megans birthday really feb 10th -- i didn't know you could reply---this is really cool

  2. Megan was found outside hospital on 2/16/08. Her birthday was estimated to be on 2/10 and that is what is being legally stated as her birthday and which we will celebrate.
