Thursday, February 19, 2009

15 bags and breakfast?

Hi everyone. About 14 hours till take off and Teresa just arrived in Staten Island. We must get to repacking and all that fun stuff, but I am just stopping by for a few minutes to update everyone.

I arrived at Grandma's this morning after finally finding an outlet adapter suitable for my computer. I will try to update as we get internet once in China, but no guarantees, so I will keeping a log on my computer to put up when we get the chances. I just did our online check in with our passports and tickets, so hopefully tomorrow morning will be smooth sailing at JFK. Haha, there's a funny one. We are leaving SI around 5am (FYI: neither of us are really morning people..)so there shouldn't be too much traffic. Thankfully Grandpa is usually up super early and will be quietly kicking us out of bed with the smell of eggs?! I think I just heard Teresa put in an egg request. Yay!

I managed to pack my suitcase without too many issues. I even still have some room left over for Megans stuff and souvenirs. Teresa on the other hand has about 15 bags so I have to go help her with that. My carry-on is probably heavier than my suitcase.
I will admit I don't have a fear of flying, but I have a fear of my luggage not making it to my destination with me, so it took almost a week to fully have my carry on ready, while I only packed my clothes last night.

I am going to head upstairs and see what progress is being made on the 15 bags. The next time I post I will be in China, and we hopefully will have some pictures of Megan to share with you!! See you all soon and thanks for the emails and tips. Every little bit has been greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. love ya! have fun and Congrats Teresa! (Understand you JUST got Megan's blanket??)
