Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April and Pictures...

Happy April!!

No April fool jokes here and thankfully that  threat of a virus doesn't seem to have harmed anyones computer. Let's just hope it doesn't happen later on. I can't believe it's April already but I love the fact that it is. It's much more spring like sounding and I'm down with lots of rain. Each day this week it seems to have alternated weather pattern (warm and sunny, cooler and rain) continuously. Easter is just a week away and for some unknown reason I've always liked Easter. Can't think of any real reason why, but I always have. Maybe it's the spring like colors and chocolate bunnies, or the fact that it's the time I usually go to CT and see the family I usually don't get to see (or that its usually within a week of my birthday). Whatever it is, I'm glad it's almost here thought. Looking forward to giving out the last of my China gifts though, since they are in my way!  

Speaking of China, I meant to post this a few weeks ago but of course I forgot. Not intentionally, but not being attached to the internet like I'm used to really throws me off. I have to make a list of online tasks and something always gets forgotten! This link is from my mom who has taken a helping of the photos and cleaned them up a bit. She's just great like that. You can order photos from this site and have them sent to you. The prices are very good and its Kodak so you can't go wrong! They are already sized, so all you need to do is chose which ones you'd like. Click on the link below and it will bring you to smugmug where they are posted. You will have to enter a password and then you can view the pictures. Enjoy them!

Tomorrow I am going to visit a few friends in Bloomsburg for the night. Probably the last time I will be going back to be honest. I've re-dived head first back into the job search big time. Last night I could barely send the email to one job because it made me so nervous (maybe just maybe I really wanted that job?!). Hopefully something will come through sooner than later. Till then, Staples and Dollar General rule my universe!

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