5/31 was Megan's actual Christening and she was pretty good during the ceremony. She cried a little bit when they put the water on her forehead, but we knew that was going to happen. My aunt was right, she was too aware. Oh well. She looked adorable in a cute little white dress Robyn got her with a white sweater from Grandma. As the unofficial offical videographer, I taped the church porition but I gotta say, it was weird. I felt like I was being a bad Catholic.
My camera battery was pretty much dead so I have few pictures from the day and currently get them uploaded bc my computer is refusing to recongize my camera. Always awesom
e. I got a few on my phone and she started running towards me and smiling so I think by Christmas she should hopefully be smiling for pictures, instead of us trying to steal them from her.

Megan learned the excitment of walking on her own about a week before the
Christening, thanks to daycare. I guess a little tough love from another one of the little kids was all the motivation she needed. She's so well adjusted already, I still can't believe that just months ago she had never met any of us. I don't think Teresa could have gotten any luckier
with Megan. She is truly a lil China doll!! She seems to have developed a little swagger and knows that it was her house and her room. She was very interested in who was in her room without out. Its cool to see her personality develop and watch her change so much already.
This past weekend they went and saw another lil girl who was supposed to come home on our trip but was delayed to April and she sent a few pictures for me to get printed for her. These are 2 from the bunch she sent that are of Megan. Too adorable.
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