Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Picture Links...Maybe?

Traveling to China

Chongqing 1

On a hope and prayer that these links work


  1. pictures links.. YES!!!!
    ok off to look!

  2. Teresa & Arlie,

    You should have practiced shopping at the Amish Market near Aunt Claire's! The first time I went there I actually went around filling my cart from stall to stall when the lady from the vegetable market (chinese by the way!) tapped me on the should and told me "you have to pay for those things!" You both look like you're enjoying yourselves despite the long hours and Megan is adorable! We can't wait to welcome you home!

    Love Always,
    Carly & Ed

  3. That's not actually smog at the airport. That's the low level clouds that generally mist the southern china area, which you can usually see create some interesting sunrises and sunsets in Macau. The smog, as you've probably experienced, isn't as nice to walk through.

    If you have time in HK (like a day to explore), check Victoria Peak.

