Saturday, February 28, 2009

White Daisies Sorta Make Me Smile...

So the plane ride was a success and honestly I don't think we can complain. It was only about 2 hours, maybe a little less. In the beginning she was kinda fussy, but with cheerios and chicken nuggets we managed to get through lift off without much crying. Maybe half way through the flight she passed out with a half a bottle of strawberry and tomato juice?! I'm not so sure about these crazy combination's but she drank it, kicked off her shoes and put her feet on the chair back and laid out like she was a queen. As long as she was not crying, we were going with the anything goes attitude, but while she was awake, I couldn't even have a sip of water without her turning around and trying to steal my cup.

The airline we flew was different than the first 3 times and they were super strict on liquids, to the point where we had to dump the milk and water. Most airlines actually allow a baby bottle with liquid, but not this one. They were kinda nazi like and even took the bottle one of the other little girls was drinking and made them dump it. I understand the restrictions but sometimes it's just a little much.

Currently we are in Guangzhou, where we will be till Saturday to begin the marathon journey home. It will include a 45 min. plane ride to Hong Kong and then the 16 hour flight to JFK. After arriving here, we were up for about 26 hours so I can assure you, we will need sleep and Megan will be wide awake.

Now we are staying at The Westin, and it is a very nice hotel. Still adjusting to the differences from the InterContinental, especially since Megan befriended every worker there. Originally we were given a room with 2 twin beds and that was not going to fly, so we got switched to a new room with beds a smidge bigger. Megan finally has a crib that resembles a crib, instead of a portable crib and can't jump out. Always a plus.

This hotel also has a room with toys for the little kids to play with. Mattel teamed up with The Westin and donated the toys for the families that are adopting to have a place to play. We decided to check it out after dinner to keep her occupied. She seems to get bored easily and needs things to distract her from the pain of teething. I saw the top tooth has broke through and there are a bunch more you can feel under the gums. So we go in and there are tons of Pooh Bears, Eeyores and Tiggers among other stuffed animals and we decided to play with the Pooh family. Well they got all the taking ones, so you play with the talking eeyore, he has lots of fun stuff to say, including "white daises sorta make me smile" and he says it in such a down voice, I can't help but laugh. So there's the story behind my blog title tonight. He has other stuff to say about red hearts and purple moons, but the daisies are the best.

One last thing..we found out yesterday on the way to the panda zoo that 8 is lucky in Chinese and their unlucky numbers are 4 and 14. Ha, wouldn't you know..just my luck.

(Pictures should be up tomorrow. Still unpacking since we have to keep the wiggle worm in constant motion)

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